We've added a lot of new and exciting features to our Learning Management System recently! Keep up with our updates in this article, as well as our ongoing Announcements and Releases section within our Support Center.

Always feel free to contact support@knowledgeanywhere.com with questions.


Updated Administrator Navigation

We have improved the primary navigation on the left side of the Administration LMS. This navigation can be easily compressed and tucked away.

Once the main menu item is selected, the secondary navigation on the top shows all secondary selections at a glance, organized by category.

When any of the navigation links are clicked, it will take you to an existing page you are already familiar with. The top dropdown menu items have also been optimized to better account for smaller screen sizes.


Custom Support/Contact Us Content Type

Admins can now personalize a microsite/site and mark the checkbox for “Enable Support Page,” then see additional content types that can be customized for the site.

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