Managers, including the not so great ones, impact businesses on almost every level. They set the bar for employees, and when the bar isn’t set high enough, workplace performance tends to stagnate over time. While some managers possess natural leadership qualities that help them be successful, others find themselves in need of guidance (whether they’re willing to admit to it or not). To transform managers into strong leaders, companies should take management training seriously.

Managers need training; that’s basic knowledge. Here’s what isn’t: Ineffective training costs businesses more than $13 million per year. That means it’s not only the fact that companies offer management training that counts, but it’s also that the training delivered is effective in helping managers learn how to resonate with, inspire and lead employees to be more successful in their individual roles. To make manager training programs successful, an understanding of what goes into developing them is pertinent. Keep reading to find out how to develop a manager training online.

What are the Elements of an effective management training program?

Envision Success to Make It a Reality 

The first step in creating a management training program is understanding what one looks like. Being able to identify what works, and what doesn’t, is vital to developing a successful strategy. Management Consultant, Jim McCormick, suggests the following make up a robust management training program:

Creating harmony between the organization and its employees, or “dovetailing.” Start by understanding the needs and goals of your associates. It never hurts to ask, “What do you hope to gain through career development training?” 

Empower Employees to take Success Into Their Own Hands 

Develop a meaningful program that gives trainees ownership over their training. Employees are more likely to retain information learned on-the-job than in a classroom. An IDP (individual development plan) is a great tool for showing employees each phase of their training. It lists out their goals and expectations. It’s something they physically hold on to, rather than an abstract concept of what development might look like. 

Address The Elephant in the Room: Change 

What does change mean? Not everyone embraces change with open arms. Some, in fact, are terrified by the idea. Gain a clear understanding of potential associate reactions to change. Have answers for questions ready and be prepared to explain why these changes are positive. 

Gather Feedback 

eedback is a must. No training program is perfect. There are always opportunities for improvement. At the end of each course, provide a survey where employees may list like and dislikes. Their responses will tell you where you’re doing great, as well as areas to focus on.


How should a management training program be delivered?

Bored trainees are less likely to retain information. Switching up teaching styles and methods is a good way to keep employees interested. Consider blending these methods:

  • Classroom-based learning tends to be more structured, provides opportunities for trainees to learn from the trainer/teacher personally and provides an opportunity for class attendees to meet peers and develop future work partnerships.
  • Online learning gives employees a break from the classroom, provides a simple and efficient method for testing the trainee’s knowledge at the end of each course and allows instructors to track progress efficiently.
  • Mentoring is great for one-on-one training. Assigning a senior associate to play a role in an employee’s development, enhances the mentor’s leadership skills, while providing the trainee an opportunity to learn from someone with first-hand knowledge of their job.
  • Public seminars are another method some companies use. Depending on the number of attendees, these seminars aren’t usually too costly. They aren’t usually too relevant, either. They tend to focus on basic industry concepts, and may not teach employees what they need to know for your company specifically.

How does the size of the company impact the way management training is delivered?

Larger corporations tend to focus more on developing structured training programs. Employees know from the start what they’re development plan is, what opportunities exist for them and what each phase of the training process will be. Usually, this includes some form of “company university” with e-learning tools and various knowledge tests.

Smaller companies, often, have a more sink-or-swim approach. Employees are thrown into tasks with little to no training with the assumption that “they’ll figure it out.” Unfortunately, not everyone responds well to this method.

In-house training is one option for smaller agencies. It provides a great group-learning atmosphere. One downfall, however, is resources. Smaller companies won’t always have the people, time or space to commit to in-person, on-site learning.


Try eLearning

ELearning works for just about any organization, large or small. Custom course authoring tools, tailored to your company, provide relevant information directly to trainees. Employees and trainers can access programs when they need to. Employees take courses when scheduled, or when they have time. Instructors easily track progress and review quiz results. It’s also a great way for employees to receive refresher courses in areas they’re not clear on. To see how your organization can improve management training, contact the eLearning experts at Knowledge Anywhere today.

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